Staying Calm And Focused at Meets

Gymnast Psychology

Managing Gymnastic Meet Anxiety Buzz phrases like “Stay calm,” “Relax and focus,” “Don’t over-think, just play” and “Have fun” swirl around the minds of competitive gymnasts. Gymnastic coaches constantly advise their gymnasts to relax and block out distractions, yet anxiety still seems to seep into the minds of many gymnasts wreaking havoc on their performance. Some athletes resign themselves to … Boost Confidence>>

Do You Have a Sturdy or Fragile Confidence?

Gymnast Psychology

Improving Gymnastic Confidence When performing, does your confidence feel like it’s on a roller coaster? When you do well does your confidence soar and after one mistake, does it take a nosedive? Some gymnasts have fragile self-confidence. This means their self-confidence changes quickly depending on how well they are performing. Why do some gymnasts have stable self-confidence, while other gymnasts … Boost Confidence>>

How To Let Go of Mistakes In Gymnastics

Mental Preparation

Moving on After Mistakes Mistakes happen in gymnastics. Even the most elite gymnasts make mistakes. By allowing these mistakes to bother you, it can mess up your performance and overall self-confidence. The number one distraction for gymnasts is dwelling on past mistakes. Dwelling on past mistakes can hurt your performance because you are not focused on the current skill. If … Boost Confidence>>

When Siblings Compete In Gymnastics

Gymnast Psychology

Are Sibling Rivalries Healthy in Gymnastics? Being a sibling comes with many advantages and disadvantages… One large part of having a sibling is the constant competition. Whatever each sibling does, typically they will end up competing with each for their parents’ praise. If both are involved in gymnastics, this can increase sibling rivalry. Some siblings will be supportive and help … Boost Confidence>>

McKayla Maroney’s Key To Handling Adversity

Gymnast Psychology

Overcoming Adversity in Gymnastics If you are an elite gymnast, you will encounter adversity at some point in your career. Every athlete will get knocked down at some point in his or her career. Adversity comes in many forms such as injury, personal issues, bad officiating, teammate or coaching problems, failing to achieve some standard, etc. The most important thing … Boost Confidence>>