Encouraging Gymnasts’ Mental Strengths

Gymnast Psychology

Parents: Help Strengthen Your Gymnasts’ Mental Game

Parents and coaches, your gymnasts most likely have mental game strengths whether they have had any mental training or not.

It is helpful to identify and encourage those strengths in your gymnasts.

This will help your gymnast to boost their performance, by focusing on those mental game skills that they have already developed.

Understanding their mental game strengths can help them to continue improving their performance and speed learning in practice.

By improving their mental performance, they will become more confident, stronger and better performers overall.

To be able to encourage your gymnast in their mental performance, you need to know what these mental performance skills are.

Here are some mental game skills:

  • The ability to move past mistakes
  • The ability to cope with perfectionism
  • Strive for success, not just avoiding mistakes
  • Ability to focus on the performance and not get distracted too easily
  • Perform well under pressure
  • Focus on achievable goals
  • Focus on the process and not the score

To assess these traits in your gymnast, ask yourself these questions when they are performing:

  • Are they distracted or focused during a competition or practice?
  • How are they affected by pressure?
  • How do they react to other gymnast’s performances?
  • Do they get frustrated or angry with themselves when they make a mistake?

After a meet, reinforce their mental game strengths. Let them know that they did a good job focusing. For example, if they didn’t score as well as they had hoped at a competition, tell them that they did a great job keeping focused even with all the competition pressure.

For more informantion on the mental game check out our The Confident Gymnast workbook program.

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Improve Your Consistency With Sports Psychology for Gymnasts

Sports psychology for gymnastics helps serious gymnasts like you to uncover the beliefs and attitudes that keep you from performing to your potential. You’ll learn mental game strategies to overcome performance plateaus, lack of consistency, and perform at your peak more often.

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